Louis Houymet and Marie-Anne Genest: engagement and marriage in 1693
By Carmen Labarre-Hébert
Translated by Marc Ouimet (155)
Below you will find the marriage contract between Louis Houymet and Marie-Anne Genest (13-01-1693) followed by the religious document of holy matrimony in the church of Sainte-Famille de l’Île d’Orléans (03-02-1693). These texts are from Mrs. Carmen Labarre-Hébert’s book published in 2007 and titled Origin of Jacques Genest dit Labarre and the beginning of his new life in New France (edited in Drummondville, 197 pages). The page entitled «Who’s who?» was written by Denis Ouimet.
The marriage contract
13th January 1693, Notary Estienne Jacob
«In front of Estienne Jacob notary in the lands of beaupré and of the county of St Laurent and clerk of the court of the said county and the witnesses named further down were present Louis houymet son of the late Jean houymet inhabitant of the said county parish of ste famille and Renée gasgnon The said Louis houymet in his name on the one part, And Jacques genest La barre Taillandier living in the said parish Stipulating for Marianne genest His daughter his consent on the other part whom both parties in The presence and consent of their parents and friends gathered here Let it be known on the part of the said Louis houymet The said renee gasgnon his mother And Jean Houymet Jacques houymet Pierre houymet, His brothers Francois Turcot Marguerite houymet His wife His brother-in-law and His sister Marie and Jeanne houymet also His sisters And Sieur Jean cochon His great uncle and germain gasgnon also His uncle And on the part of the said Jacques genesse and marianne genesse the Sieur Jean premont godfather of the said marianne genesse Marie aubert wife of the said Sieur premont Godmother of the said Marianne genesse Sieur hipolitte Thivierge Her godfather have made a marriage agreement and convention as follows That the said Louis houymet and Marianne genesse have promised and promise Mutually to take each other under the Laws of marriage J- - -To make and Solemnly in front of our Holy Mother the Church- - - a declaration as soon as possible of the assets and rights wherever they may be, belonging to each of the future spouses- - - - - - and under oath to put all their assets and belongings in common as per the custom of paris on the day of their marriage, without being responsible for the debts and mortgages of each other contracted before the day of the marriage. Those debts and mortgages shall be paid by whoever contracted them. The said future husband has endowed and endows the said future wife with the sum of a three hundred pound dowry payable on the wedding day. As soon as the dowry is paid, the wife becomes co-owner of the estate and will be delivered from her husband on the day of his death without having to sue to get it along with clothing and every day articles that can be useful to her and without reduction of the said dowry. The survivor will have the right to choose furniture from the estate once the inventory is done equivalent to the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds or one hundred and fifty pounds in cash. The future wife will have the choice to take, accept or refuse the estate and take back whatever she brought to the future marriage and all that she gained during the marriage by inheritance or otherwise along with the dowries mentioned above, clear of all debts or mortgages of the said community. If so, she will be reimbursed from the husband’s part of the estate or from his heirs, thus giving her a mortgage on her future husband’s estate. So be it , the parties have agreed to the above notwithstanding laws and customs to the contrary. Made and passed in the house of the said Renee gasgnon on the thirtieth day of January one thousand six hundred and ninety-three.
«In the presence of leon dillay? And Charles goullet? Taken as witnesses who have signed with the said future wife Sieur Jean Cochon the said Sieur hipolitte Thivierge Jean premont francois turquaut and the said future husband and others named above who have declared not being able to write nor sign».
Marie Anne genest
François Turcot
Jean Cochon
Charles G
Jean primont
Marie aubert
Leon DIllay
The religious document
Sainte-Famille, I. O., 3rd February 1693, signed by F. Lamy, priest
«After publication of the banns during the sermon of the high mass on three different Sundays in this parish by myself the undersigned parish priest of the future marriage between Louis Houymet twenty-nine years old son of the late Jean Houymet and of Renée Gaignon of this parish on the one part And Marie anne Genest sixteen years old daughter of jacques Genest And Catherine Doribeau on the other part all of this parish. And having found no opposition to this future Marriage I, parish priest of this parish have Married them this third day of February one thousand six hundred and ninety-three in the presence of jacques Genest the bride’s brother, françois Turcot, Jean premont, Jantien Tibierge nicolas catrin who have signed with me on this day and year - _ _ _ the said groom And Jacques genest who have declared not being able to Sign this enquiry according to the Enactment and on the register of the year preceding 1693 of which this one is but an excerpt until the fifteenth of March of the present year one thousand six hundred and ninety-three.
F Lamy priest»
Who’s Who?
(source: Genealogical Dictionary of Québec families, author= René Jetté and the PRDH)
Catherine Doribeau: wife of Jacques Genest dit Labarre and mother of Marie-Anne (born in 1677)
Charles goullet: Charles Goulet, probably living in Ange-Gardien (?)
Estienne Jacob: Notary in the Québec City area, clerk of the court 1680-1726
F Lamy, François Lamy: parish priest in Sainte-Famille, Î. O., 1674-1715 (?)
François Turquaut, François Turquot, François Turcot : Marguerite Houymet’s husband
Hipolitte Thivierge, Sieur : Hippolyte Thibierge or Tibierge, merchant and tanner
Jacques Genest, Jacques Gesnest, Jacques Gesnesse : Marie-Anne Genest’s father
Jantien Tibierge : also Gentien, son of Sieur Hippolyte Thibierge or Tibierge
Jean Cochon, Sieur: Jean Cauchon, his father was a fiscal prosecutor in Château-Richer
Jean Houymet: Jean Ouimet (1684-1687), father of the above-mentioned Louis, Jeanne, Marguerite and Pierre
Jean Premont, Sieur: inhabitant of Sainte-Famille, friend of the Genest family (at Marie-Anne’s christening)
Jeanne Houymet: Jeanne Ouimet, daughter of Jean Ouimet and Renée Gagnon
Leon dIllay: ?
Louis Houymet: Louis Ouimet, Marie-Anne Genest’s husband, son of Jean Ouimet and Renée Gagnon
Marguerite Houymet : Marguerite Ouimet, Louis’ sister, daughter of Jean Ouimet and Renée Gagnon
Marie anne Genest, Marianne Genest, Marianne Gesnesse, Marie-Anne Genest : Louis’ wife, daughter of Jacques Genest
Marie Aubert : wife of Sieur Jean Premont
Nicolas Catrin : inhabitant of Sainte-Famille, Î. O.
Pierre Houymet : Pierre Ouimet, Louis’ younger brother, son of Jean Ouimet and Renée Gagnon
Renée Gaignon, Renée Gasgnon, Renée Gagnon: wife of the late Jean Ouimet, daughter of Jean Gagnon and Marguerite Cauchon